Now, therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people, for all the earth is mine.

We are a special treasure to God.  It’s sometimes hard to believe that’s possible.  Look how often we fail. Look how we treat His earth. Look how we treat each other.  We don’t just fail, we fail miserably.  We sin. We judge. We refuse to forgive. How can we be His special treasure? Easy–He doesn’t see us. He sees Jesus. Jesus and His covenant of righteousness allows us to be seen holy in God’s eye. Jesus has made us worthy. Even if we quit sinning, quit judging, forgave all and lived as good as we could we still would not be worthy to be treasured. We are special people because by faith we have accepted God’s grace provided by His perfect, sinless Son. Nothing we did or could possibly do can be exchanged for His mercy. Jesus did that for us. He became our sin so that we can become His righteousness. We can accept or deny this covenant of grace. Praying this day we obey God’s voice of invitation to His covenant of grace, becoming treasured children.

Categories: Inspirational


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