Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.

Has someone ever done something for you that you didn’t really deserve?  Maybe someone gave you a gift for no reason.  Maybe a note of encouragement was sent to lift your spirits.  Do you remember how that felt that very moment? It didn’t have to be something elaborate or very expensive.   It reminded you that someone thought you were special enough to care. They took the time and effort to bring good into your day. You have that power.  There’s someone in your life you can make feel special. You have the power to let someone know you care and they matter. So many are going through trying times. Hard times. We can lighten their load, even if it is for just a moment.  It doesn’t take long to send a note or a text. Connect with a call. Share a coke or candy bar. It’s in our power to do something good. For some it’s way overdue. For others, they may not deserve it but it will make you feel good.  Today search out someone and make them feel special.  Jesus did that for us. Praying this day we use our power to grant good to someone we know.

Categories: Inspirational


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