Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

This is good advice for today. Conceit and envy easily provoke many folks. No one is better than another in the eyes of Christ. He died for every one. He has no favorites. He loves everyone. Even us sinners. Each of us has the opportunity to become joint heirs with Him.  This is the ultimate gift. We need not envy another because the same righteousness is ours for the asking. Cars, homes and money are worthless in heaven. There won’t be garages, banks or neighborhoods on the streets of gold.  The enemy creeps around pointing out all the differences provoking us to desire the material possessions of others. He points out the success of others. Jealousy is his favorite trick.  He tries to hide the worthlessness of the things from us hoping we focus on our earthly desires and not our spiritual needs. The enemy knows if we live for the here and now we won’t concern ourselves with the hereafter.  Delusion, confusion and distraction are his tools. If we are pursuing the need to keep up with others we aren’t pursuing God.  We’re not better than others. We have what we need in Christ.  We should not confront others in greed or hate.  If the cross is our banner, love should be our anthem.  Praying today we thank God we are His children, purchased with the blood of Christ sealed in His riches.

Categories: Inspirational


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