When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, "Do you want to be made well?"

This was asked of the man at the pool of Bethesda. “Do you want to be made well?” Seems like an inappropriate question for someone who stayed at a place waiting year after year hoping someone would help into the healing water. There’s a joke in our family regarding a distant cousin. When someone asks how she’s doing, the reply is, “she’s enjoying poor health.”  Some folks get more out of their misery. More attention,  more sympathy and more response.  Some people don’t want to be made well. Self pity serves their purpose.  Do we want to be made well? Jesus asks that of each of us. It may be we are hanging on to a harmful behavior. Do we want to let it go? We may be holding on to an unforgiveness? Do we want to let it go?  We may be grasping an addiction? Do we want to let it go? We may be holding on to a sin. Do we want to let it go? Do we want to be made well?  The man at the pool was waiting on others to help him. Sometimes we are waiting on others or other circumstances to help us. The bottom line and the truth of the matter is, if we want to be made well it’s going to take Jesus.  Jesus can heal unforgiveness.  It’s Jesus that heals addictions, behaviors, pettiness,  jealousy,  bitterness, sins and so much more. Praying this day we want to be made well through Christ.

Categories: Inspirational


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