Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.

Our nation needs healing. Our communities need healing. Our families need healing. We need healing. Politicians cannot bring healing. Laws cannot bring healing. Violence will never bring healing. Money cannot bring healing. Religion cannot bring healing. God alone brings healing. The truth of His love is the balm for the deep wounds of hatred, strife, bigotry, jealousy, and injustice.  His mercy and grace proclaim the abundance of love and peace.  Christ looks at the heart and only the heart. The only color God sees is red–the red blood of His Son given for all that we might become more like Him. More forgiving.  More understanding.  More compassionate. More giving. More serving. More not less of the purpose before us. God desires peace and healing. His revelation is poised to teach all what peace truly is.  Healing is ours for the asking. By His stripes we have been declared healed. Praying this day we claim healing, peace and an abundance of God’s everlasting love for Him and one another.

Categories: Inspirational


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