Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.

Peace in every way is possible through Christ. He is Peace. No matter what we face He is able to grant peace.  Real peace.  Many times we do not feel at peace much less comfortable in situations we face.  We feel like we’re drowning.  We try and try to leave things in God’s hands.  But if we were honest with ourselves we put them in His hand but don’t release our grip. We try to hold on to them–just a little. That unwillingness of complete release disrupts the peace we could feel. Our desire to control causes frustration, confusion and worry.  All are peace blockers. Why do we think we can handle issues better than God? He’s never experienced failure, lack or the unknown. We have failed. We have lacking abilities. And there are very few times we are “in the know.”  Why are we so stubborn in letting go and letting God?  Aren’t we ready for some peace in our lives? Aren’t we tired of the struggle? Praying this day we give all things to the Lord of peace who is with us all.

Categories: Inspirational


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