For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

The Lord sees our heart. He sees deep into our intentions. He sees deep into our motives. He sees deep into our sorrows, our pains, our fears, our unforgiveness and our desires. He sees us. The real us. We can fool those around us but there is no way we’re going to fool God.  Even though God sees the real us and sees through us, He still loves us.  He still wants to change us into what we’re meant to be. He still wants to forgive us. He still wants to call us His very own. He still wants us to fulfill our purpose. He sees our broken, messed up hearts and wants to heal them.  Praying this day we give our hearts to the God who sees and heals.

Categories: Inspirational


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