And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness.

Sometimes we need not only a change of heart but a change of mindset. It is said our thoughts determine our actions. Our actions determine our outcomes. We can control our thoughts. Many times I have had to pull myself up by the proverbial “bootstraps” and change my thinking. It’s much easier when we listen to the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit won’t mislead us. Renewing our minds or thought processes isn’t easy when we try to so alone.  But we never have to do it alone. God’s Holy Spirit provides us the power and strength to renew our minds, change our ways and put on a “new man.”  His Holy Spirit helps us to defend against the emotional abuse of the enemy.  We are worthy. We are righteous. We are loved. We are cherished. We are His. The enemy cannot snatch us from God’s hand. Praying this day we renew our minds with God’s Holy Spirit

Categories: Inspirational


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