Lord, all my desire is before You; and my sighing is not hidden from You. For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear O Lord my God.

We can bring anything and everything before God. He hears our whimpers. Our muffled cries reach His ears. He hears us.  The little things matter to Him. In our mind we often think God only wants to be involved in the huge events and disappointments. But the details of creation prove day in and day out the tiny things matter. He not only created the whale but the minnow of the creek. The bonsai tree is a relative of the giant redwood. Ponds and oceans fill the earth. Small things coexist with the gigantic issues. No snowflake is alike. No fingerprint is found on another. Each and every situation we face is important to Him. Our needs are important to Him.  Our dreams are important to Him. Our hurts are important to Him. We are important to Him. Our sighs are welcomed along with our joys. Our pains are soothed while our excitements are cherished. Our tears and laughter are both equally welcomed. Our Lord, our Heavenly Father hears us. Praying this day we share all things with our listening Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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