Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip.

This verse should easily become our morning prayer. We slip often don’t we? Many times we slip because we aren’t traveling on the path God has desired us to walk. We’ve detoured. There are times we fall because we are focused on the entire trip rather than the immediate steps before us. We often get ahead of ourselves and miss the roads to our purpose and destiny. The good news is God allows u-turns and provides an exit ramp to return to the right roads in our lives. “Uphold” isn’t a word we use often in our daily conversations.  “Upholding” is God’s gift to His children.  It’s His hands that holds us up to prevent our slipping. It is His hands that guide us in the right direction. It’s His hands that are nail scarred that help us at our crossroads in life.  His hands uphold us. Praying this day we hold on to His hands, may they guide our footsteps so we do not slip.

Categories: Inspirational


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