Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not His benefits.

It is so easy to worry about things, circumstances, problems and others. At times our worries may consume us. God’s benefits may seem far away, but they are before us. His blessings are new each morning. His blessings overtake us. One of the most under used benefit we have is the privilege of taking those same worries we have and leaving them with God. God knows our daily struggles and fears. He knows our weaknesses and fears. He knows our sins. He knows us. The real us. The easy part is taking all our troubles to Him. The hard part is leaving them with Him. So many times we reach back and drag themĀ  back with us. Our worries and problems are so much better off in His hands than ours. He has solutions. He has answers. We have doubts and uncertainty. Praying this day we take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there.

Categories: Inspirational


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