Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You I do trust, cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You.

The word “cause” in this verse can be substituted with the word “make.”  Both are bold directives. This is a strong prayer of David’s.  Do we dare to pray this?  Do we wait for God’s sweet voice as we begin our day?  Do we really place all our trust in Him?  Do we have the courage to ask Him to “make us walk in Your way, Lord?”  Or do we ask “Lord, let me walk in Your way when I want to?” Do we bring our entire being to Him?  Are our souls lifted up to Him?  Are we willing to do His will?  Are we afraid of what He might “cause” us to do?  The truth for many of us this seems like we are giving up control.  We believe we need that control don’t we?  Many times our “will” becomes an idol. One the enemy cleverly disguises. One we don’t easily recognize.  Praying this day God causes us to surrender the hidden idol of our stubborn selfish will replacing it with trust in Him.

Categories: Inspirational


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