For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His His Holy Name. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.

Trusting in God brings joy. Though we may be in the midst of trial God’s mercy in our lives proves over and over again we can trust Him. No matter what we go through He is with us. His grace is granted time and time again. We fail Him often, yet He continues to love us.  The hope of our hearts comes from our confidence in Him. Knowing we are His brings a joy the world cannot take from us. This type of joy is deep and spiritual. It passes our simple daily understanding. Joy for the Lord and joy in the Lord provides joy of the Lord. This joy will light the darkest shadows here on earth. This joy will strengthen our weakest moments. This joy can remove our gravest doubts. His mercy brings renewed hope. His grace brings restoration. His love brings joy. Praying this day we find that the joy of the Lord is our strength.

Categories: Inspirational


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