Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.

We can rest in confidence that God will never fail to bring about His promises to us when we do what pleases Him.  When we follow His Word and directives of His Holy Spirit we will savor His Holy favor. Not a single obstacle will prevail when we are obedient to His call. Holy boldness is ours to exhibit. We have the power of His Holy Spirit within us. Jesus Christ is in us. He is greater than anything we will face in the world.  Christ has overcome the world. Even death, the last enemy, has been defeated. Man has no power over us. Disease has no power over us. Fear has no power over us. Hate and evil have been defeated. Through Christ we are more than conquerors, we are victors. Praying this day we see ourselves as the winners Christ has proclaimed us to be.

Categories: Inspirational


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