When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

No doubt we are overwhelmed.  All around us things seem  uncertain. There is fear and anxiety. There is no firm end in sight to this pandemic experience. Many of us try to be brave on our own, but it doesn’t feel like it’s working. Why does it seem that way? Simply because it won’t work “on our own.”  We need the Rock. God’s strength is ours. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts higher than our thoughts. We cannot endure this alone. We don’t have to. God doesn’t want us to face this or anything alone. We are overwhelmed. Our Heavenly Father knows this. Nothing we go through is a surprise to Him. I imagine what surprises Him is our stubbornness to try to go through difficult times without Him. I can’t imagine the times God has shaken His head in disbelief as I try to plow ahead on my own. Praying this day we call on our Rock, who is higher than us before exasperation and desperation rise.

Categories: Inspirational


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