The Lord will stand with you and give you strength.

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you’re going to collapse? We all do. We’re tired and tried. We’re not sure if we can wash one more dish, cook one more dinner, run one more errand or stop one more squabble the kids are embroiled in.  We tell ourselves we just need a minute to ourselves which is not true–we need a week. Through it all, all the frustration, all the tension and all the weariness we aren’t alone. God stands with us. He is the One that provides the ability to take that next task on. He is the One that provides us our “second wind.” With Him all things are possible. Even doing that third load of laundry.  Nothing we do is insignificant in His eyes. He sees our challenges. He feels our frustration. He is with us. It’s okay to fall apart in His arms. He will hold us, comfort us and set us back on our feet. Praying this day we remember it is God, Almighty that stands with us.

Categories: Inspirational