Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and the patience of Christ.

The patience of Christ is unlimited.  Look how the people of His day tried Him. Poor Peter caused many moments for Jesus. Peter wanted to walk on water. Jesus called him to do so. He took a few steps then began to sink. Jesus had to reach out and help him.  Peter drew his sword in the garden. Jesus bailed him out of that by healing the guard’s ear. Peter complained they had fished all night and surely there wasn’t a fish to be caught. Jesus showed him He knew better.  I can relate with Peter because through the years I’ve caused moments for Jesus to throw His hands up and give up on me. . But Jesus being Jesus bails me out time and time again. Why is it as people we expect patience from everyone for us, but refuse to have patience with others from us? Why do we feel we’re more deserving? Jesus had patience. Jesus has patience. Maybe it’s because He was and is filled with the love of God.  Instead of praying for patience maybe we should pray for the love of God to fill us so we can show it to others. Maybe, just maybe that’s the key to having the patience of Christ.  Praying this day we are filled with God’s love for others so that the patience of Christ can be ours.

Categories: Inspirational


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