For You have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose against me.

Every day we may encounter battles. Often times we wonder how can we continue fighting. For believers we know we never face battles alone. God is with us. The promise of His Holy Spirit is ours.   His word reminds us the battles are His and He is victorious. Those who rise against us are already defeated. The battle of forgiveness is already defeated. The battle of addiction is already defeated. The battle of hopelessness is already defeated. The battle of death is already defeated. The enemy has been defeated. No evil power can overcome those that have the Lord as their God.  God has provided His Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Greater is He, His Holy Spirit that is in us than anything or anyone that is in the world. We are overcomers.  His strength is magnified in our weakness. He has given us His power as sons and daughters of the living God to defeat our enemies.  Victory is ours.  The cross and word are our weapons. We will not be defeated. Praying this day whatever battle we face we do so knowing God has armed us for victory.

Categories: Inspirational


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