For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness.

We’re in the dark about many things. We have questions. We have decisions to make. We, at times, do not trust our own judgment. God wants to help. He wants to guide. He knows what lies ahead. He can disperse the darkness we often find ourselves in. His Holy Spirit speaks through His word and into our hearts. Many times we aren’t listening.  We have distanced ourselves from the lighted path. We talk to God asking what we need to do, which way to go and how, but we don’t wait for His response. We have a one sided conversation. We talk, but we don’t listen. We remain in the dark. It’s so easy to return to His Presence. He knows us and He loves us. Nothing we’ve done surprises Him. He’s willing to pick up our pieces and put them back together. Praying this day we seek His light to guide us out of the darkness.

Categories: Inspirational