For our present troubles are small and won't last very long, yet they produce for us glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever.

We all have trouble. There are times when nothing seems to go right. Frustration and doubt overcome. A friend and I were discussing a situation we have come through. Still not understanding the “whys” but we are trying to figure out the lesson we are supposed to learn. To be honest at this moment we still don’t know. But hindsight is a great teacher. One day it will become clear to us. There are so many things I’ve learned from troubling situations of the past. Lessons that will remain with me forever. God has a wonderful way of working things out. We’re never alone even in the midst of our problems. He remains even if family and friends flee. Troubles, sorrow and pain do pass. In the grand scheme of eternity they are small. Today we may not know the “whys” but the lesson will be revealed and we can benefit from them. Praying this day in the midst of our troubles we listen closely to our Teacher, Jesus Christ.

Categories: Inspirational


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