Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

All of us have met someone who is going through a trying time. Someone who needs an encouraging word or hug. We have friends who may be having issues with their teenagers. We know new mothers who are just tired and weary. We know someone overcome by grief due to the loss of a loved one. The struggles are real.  The bottom line is everyone is going through something. Each of us has gone through something. As believers we have God’s Holy Spirit to guide us. It is His strength that upholds us. It is His comfort that allows us to take that next step forward. Our experiences provide the ability for us to reach out and comfort and assure those we meet. We are able to touch those hurting because we know the touch of Christ. His genuine love and concern can be shared by us.  Comforting is a gift from heaven. Going through trying times holding the hand of Jesus prepares us to hold the hand of the hurting. Praying this day we reach out comforting hands to those hurting and in pain.

Categories: Inspirational


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