For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

Our biggest battles aren’t physical ones, but spiritual ones. They are the most difficult ones to win. However, God has established us victors through Christ. He has provided us with His Holy Spirit and our greatest weapon is prayer.  We’ve all heard someone say, ” all we can do is pray.” That friends, is the best thing we can do. Prayer has brought healing, comfort, understanding, strength  and blessing. Prayer has cast out fear, hopelessness, bitterness and unforgiveness.  Prayer has broken the chains of strongholds through history.  Prayer is a weapon. It is not a white flag of surrender but a battle flag going before every enemy we face. We’re called to be prayer warriors, intercessors in battles. Warriors standing on the very promises of God. Warriors praying the word of God. Warriors declaring victory guaranteed by God. Praying this day we face our battles with the power of our prayers.

Categories: Inspirational