2 Chronicles 15:7

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you’re trying you don’t seem to accomplish anything? Everyday is a battle and there’s not one win in sight. I think most of us feel that way at one time or another.  God encourages us to continue.  To hold on and not weaken our grip.  Our work will be rewarded. Our question is “when?”  We want instant gratification, don’t we? God’s timing is so much different than ours. God thinks eternally. We seem to only grasp the present. We want answers today. A thousand years is like a day to God. Eternal thinking isn’t easy for us, but we are created for eternal life. God encourages us to be strong, hang on and depend on Him. Our faithfulness will be rewarded. That is a promise from our Heavenly Father and He has yet to break one promise. Praying this day we strengthen the grip of our hands as we hold tight to our Father’s hand.

Categories: Inspirational