But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.

Do you ever feel like your spinning your wheels? Seems like no matter how hard you try you don’t get anywhere. You complete one task, but there are tons more needing to be done. To make matters worse a “thank you” is rare, if even offered.  We grow tired of it all don’t we? This verse reminds us to keep on keeping on. It promises our efforts will be rewarded. Our human nature wants to know “where’s the pay off?” God’s rewards aren’t the same as man’s. That kind word you offered didn’t go unnoticed by God. That helping hand you gave was applauded by a pair of nail scarred hands. That prayer you lift day in and day out reaches the ears of a loving Heavenly Father. He senses our weariness. He strengthens us to continue to take that next step. Accolades may be few and far between this side of heaven, but there’s a host of angels cheering for all you do.  Much of the work we do seems trivial.  We need to change our mindset. When we understand the daily tasks build up the kingdom here the menial becomes meaningful. We have the opportunity to affect eternal outcomes with our work. Praying this day for strength to complete those tasks entrusted to us.

Categories: Inspirational