We give thanks to God for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.

Are there people in your life that you are truly thankful for? Parents, children, spouses, friends, mentors, your pastor, teachers and the list goes on. Do we stop and thank God for them?  We may tell others how thankful we are for our family, but do we give God the thanks He deserves for them?  Do we mention them in our prayers? Are we standing in  intercession for them? Are we offering more than a “bless them” in our prayers? As children our bedtime prayers consisted of “bless mommy and daddy” but we are no longer children. Our prayers should be more heartfelt offerings than recitals  Thanking God for those in our lives comes also with the responsibility of praying for them. This should be the least difficult for us to do. When was the last time you really prayed for your spouse? Your children? Your pastor? Not a quick “bless them” but pleaded on their behalf? Praying this day we give thanks to God for those in our lives and lift them, their needs and their circumstances before our Father.

Categories: Inspirational


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