Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go and lie down, and it shall be. If He calls you , that you must say, "speak, Lord, for your servant hears." So Samuel went and lay down in his place.

“Speak, Lord for your servant hears.”   You may recall this account of Samuel being called by God. He first thought he was being called by Eli and went to Eli several times. Eli realized it was God calling to Samuel. Eli being older and mature in his faith guided Samuel to listen for God. There are two thoughts I’ve taken away. One, most of us have had mentors in our faith. Someone that was not only an example but a guide. Second, God is calling out but we’re too busy to listen. Maybe like Samuel we should go and lay down in our place and wait on Him to speak to us. In the stillness we may be able to hear. He very well may be calling you to a new level of service or ministry. He may be calling you to be an example and guide to a young “Samuel ” in your life. Praying this day we ask God to speak for we, His servants, are listening.

Categories: Inspirational


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