Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.

God’s love covers our sins through Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us.  Our sins are many. We fail terribly, yet God does not abandon His plan for us. He continues to use our brokenness to help others. The situations we encounter allows the experience to help others go through the same. It also gives us the opportunity to forgive because we have been forgiven. To love as deeply as God does isn’t achievable on our own. Experiencing God’s love for us reminds us we aren’t worthy, but He extends it nonetheless because of Christ. We are often mistreated by others, and they aren’t worthy, but we are called to be Christ like. Deep love in this verse refers to a love that can see past faults, misunderstandings, and envy. Deep love is Christ love. Forgiveness and new chances. Though broken, God still uses His children. He provides second chances.  Praying this day, our brokenness can mend one another.

Categories: Inspirational