But each one one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

I have friends that play the piano beautifully. They stroke the keys and the hymns that I grew up with  blessing my soul. It seems they play effortlessly. They make it look so easy. What I don’t see is the years and years of work they dedicated to their gift. God has given them this gift. I would love to play the piano, but that is not my gift. I would love to paint a beautiful scene on a canvas. That is not my gift. God knows each one of us. He has given each of us a special gift. He has given this to us for His kingdom building.  Each gift given is important. He has suited the gift for our ability. Our gifts come easy to us. They may take work or practice to fine tune them, but they are ours. Sometimes we wish so hard for another’s gift or talent we don’t realize our own gift. We envy that pianist,  the artist, the singer, the patient mother, the understanding father, the organized coworker, the carpenter, the counselor, the coach, the prayer warrior or that faithful member of our church. Each of us has a mission. Each of us has a calling. Each of us has a gift.  A gift given from God that fits our personality and our ability. Praying this day we are thankful for the gift we have and use it for His glory.

Categories: Inspirational


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