You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.

There are different ways to calculate our worth. A British team researched what our bodies are actually worth.  The chemical elements of our body are worth $4.50.  However, if our body’s organs, dna, blood, etc. were sold for reuse and transplant the body could bring in several million dollars. So it depends on the use or need. Jesus placed a much higher price on us. He’s more interested in the worth of our souls. He purchased the part of us that will never wear out but will last forever.  The cost?  His life. That dear friend, is a very steep price for a world full of sinners. Christ died that our slavery to sin would be abolished forevermore.  He believed we were worth saving. His love for us is priceless. We cannot put a price on His love. Praying this day we realize our worth in God’s eyes.

Categories: Inspirational


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