That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

People influence people.  The advertising industry spends millions and millions of dollars to influence us to buy products. We each have a product we have purchased based on the recommendation of some actor or athlete. They made us feel wiser because we bought it. Whether it’s a miracle mop or a time share, someone made it seem like our only wise choice. How often are we left disappointed? How often do we seek guidance from friends for important decisions?  We tend to seek out advice from others because they are near, in our circle and are able to respond immediately.  We put faith in our friends and family. It’s not wrong to seek godly counsel from wise and trusted friends.  It is more important to seek out God in all things. Our impatience often is a stumbling block in seeking God’s directives. We want answers right away. God often has lessons for us in the waiting time. His power is supreme. Our faith builds up on past experiences where God has led us through, step by step. Each answered prayer is a step to higher faith. We often forget His power. This is God who has the power to fling galaxies into the deepest part of space. This is the God who has created the earth and every thing that exists. This is the God who has the power to forgive and grant mercy to us despite our sins. His power surrounds us. His wisdom is higher than anyone’s we know. He is able always.  There is nothing God cannot do.  Praying this day we build our faith in God’s power and ability rather than the simple wisdom of man.

Categories: Inspirational


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