Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

The word ‘endure’ has two definitions. The first is–‘to suffer patiently.’ The second is–‘last forever.’  Both are appropriate in describing God’s love for us. I’m sure He suffers patiently as He watches the choices we make. Or the times we don’t trust Him. Or the times we don’t include Him. Yet, He patiently waits for us. He waits for the moments we prodigals run back to Him. He waits for the minute when we give all to Him.  He waits for our child like plea of “Father, help me.”  He waits and suffers patiently. His love lasts forever. Nothing changes His love for us. No shortcoming we possess weakens the depth of His love. His love lasts forever. His love sealed on a cross, burst across eternity from an empty tomb so that it would endure. Endure rejection. Endure indifference. Endure sin. His love lasts forever. Praying this day we give thanks for God’s enduring love.

Categories: Inspirational