Search for the Lord and for His strength, continually seek Him.

I think the key word in this verse is “continually.”  Many seek God only in times of need and fear. Desperate times take us into overdrive in our searching for God’s help and intervention.  Another verse tells us to search for the Lord while He may be found. Our seeking should be done all the time. In the stillness of quiet moments  we are able to sense His presence. In those times we are able to focus on Him. In frantic times we are focused on the horror of the situations.  In the times  shared with Him  without panic we are able to renew our strength with His strength. We can “fill up” for those exasperating times that often drain our energy and senses.  Continually seeking God keeps our thoughts and ability to meet our daily trials with  His strength and guidance. We are able to take an offensive approach rather than having to be on the defense.  Our search for God is only as difficult as our relationship with Him. If we remain close the search is easy. If no relationship exists or remains only for desperate circumstances the search may be difficult. Know this with  confidence that even when the search may be hard, long or difficult our Heavenly Father desires to be found by every single person looking. Praying this day we are those that  continually search for Him.

Categories: Inspirational