Search for the Lord and for His strength, continually seek Him.

Why would we need to search for God if He’s always here?  It’s true God is always here.  However, it’s us that’s not always “here.”  We are so many times over “there.”  We’re often searching for other things so intensely that we do not feel the Presence of God with us. We become so wrapped up in our own “idols” that we do not see the One true God.  We might be chasing money, jobs, love, fame, approval, or personal dreams so hard and fast that we leave God so far back we forget Him.  It’s us that needs to search for Him. We are always before Him.  Is He always before us? The true search belongs to us, because He knows where we are. Praying this day we change our focus and look for God continually and for His strength.

Categories: Inspirational


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